Learn all about the TPL, Threads and asynchronous programming with .net
Learn to use the TPL with .Net and how the underlying mechanisms work.
This includes Mechanisms of asynchrony in general, how the Thread API works with .Net and why we need asynchrony in the first place.
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Mechanisms of asynchrony and why we need asynchronous programming.
Thread Safety
Learn all the thread safety techniques and why it is important.
Async and await
What is async and await?
Pfx - Parallel Programming
Learn what the Parallel Programming Framework allows to do.
Asynchronous techniques
General techniques like Threads, Tasks and so on.
Concurrent data structures
Use the concurrent data structures like Blockingcollections and Concurrent Queues/Stacks and Dictionaries
Intro to Tasks and TPL
Learn about the Task as an abstraction of some asynchronous Work.
Enroll in my udemy course for .Net asynchronous programming to learn more about this topics and get life long access and support for this topic.